CARELIFE Listening

CARELIFE Listening

CARELIFE Listening

LIFE & Your Personal Relationship Skills
Part 2 of 5


What Does it Mean to Listen?

One definition states: To pay close attention, to hear and understand.

Have You Considered This?

We speak 200 – 250 words per minute and
our brain processes information at 600 words per minute;
because of this we are often ready to speak even before
we have heard what was said.

What is Needed to Become an Effective Listener?

Time: in order not to rush things along too quickly

Patience: so that you can more easily consider the subject being discussed

Concentration: in order to direct your full attention toward the speaker

Energy: listening is an exercise… energy is required

Interest: in the speaker, and in the subject being presented

Understanding: to comprehend as fully as possible the speaker’s thoughts

Consider God’s Example…..

…He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted;
neither hath He hid His face from him; but when he cried unto Him, He heard.
Psalms 22:24

How people often listen to one another

Superficially: on the surface, in a shallow way

Preparing to answer before having heard what was being presented

In a distracted way… Thinking about something other than what they’re hearing

Do you think having a weakness in good listening skills
could hinder Communication Efforts?


Good Listener Characteristics

Good listeners avoid distractions, or thinking about unrelated matters while listening

They don’t immediately react to what is being presented

They don’t immediately react to the speaker’s personality

They avoid selective listening

They strive to keep an open and objective mind

They listen for expressions of emotion in the voice

Evaluate Your Own Listening Skills

Do people ever say to you:
“You’re not listening to me…” ? Yes/No

Do you have trouble avoiding distractions? Yes/No

Do you frequently interrupt when someone else is speaking? Yes/No

Do you find yourself doing things, while listening, to save time? Yes/No

Do you maintain eye contact with the person you speak with? Yes/No

Do you use verbal and non-verbal clues to show your interest? Yes/No

Do you look for the speaker’s deeper meanings or emotions? Yes/No

Do you enjoy listening more than you like to talk? Yes/No

Do you enjoy having people listen while you’re speaking? Yes/No


What Do You Think Effective Listening Can Accomplish?


What can result from speaking before you’ve heard fully what is being said?

Study the three examples listed below relating to Jesus’ listening and communication skills.
Discuss with a friend the immediate and long-term impact you think each experience made on the people He spoke with.

Jesus at the age of twelve speaking in the Temple at Jerusalem: Luke 2: 46, 47
Jesus with Nicodemus during a late night visit: John 3: 1-10
Jesus, a woman of Samaria, and the people from her village: John 4:1-30, 39-42

…When you listen,
paths are created
for future communications…

This article was written and designed by Chris Teske for

The materials you have been studying up to this point can assist in getting the process of communication started, but there is more that needs to be implemented.

In part 3 of this 5 part series we will be discussing how Identifying with people and their needs can help in problem solving.

Use the following link to go to CARELIFE Identifying.